The acquisition section is responsible for the selection and purchase of materials or resources. it is the section that manages the budget utilization for the purchase of resources. Recommended book lists are submitted by each department which undergo duplicate checking against Library holdings; which are then placed in the meeting of the Standing Committee for book Selection. A supply order is placed for procurement of the approved books. Books once received are accessioned and entered into the system by this section which is then transferred to Technical Section for technical processing.
The technical section maintains all the technical works inside the library. This section is entrusted with the activities such as classification, cataloging, and assignment of subject headings where they are processed for transcribing and barcode and then are released for circulation.
The circulation section is one of the most important sections in the library as it is the gateway between users and documents. This section handles maximum services apart from the provision of lending and renewal of books, services such as registration of library members, issuing of clearance / no dues certificate, and maintaining statistical information pertaining to the library use. The circulation also provides a self-check machine where users can issue books themselves and also an OPAC system where users can search the holdings of the library materials.
This section maintains the reference information for the users in the library. They consist of materials that are meant to aid research by providing quick and accessible information. The reference sources comprise of dictionaries, bibliographies, directories, atlases, etc. The central library also has a collection of the research output of the collegei.e., M.Pharm. Ph.D. theses and dissertations are in this section for consultation. However, photocopying and Xerox of these theses are strictly prohibited whereas the other references sources can be made photocopied with the prior permission of the staff.
The periodical section provides the current information in the library. The major works involve placing of subscriptionorders for the print journals and receipt and records of the issues of journals/newspapers and renewal of subscriptions and maintenance of current journals. The library subscribesto DELNET E-Journals for different academic departments comprising 393 including National and International journals with three national newspapers and seven local newspapers. These periodicals are displayed in the racks and can be consulted but they are not for issue. However, users can take a photocopy with the prior permission of the concerned staff.
Bound Volume Section is the section that maintains the bound volume of back issues from the periodical section. Once a volume is no longer current, the library gathers up the issue in that volume and binds them together. These are bound periodicals and are given separate accession and also classification numbers. This section can be consulted and Xerox can be made with the permission of the staff.
This section provides the facilities for Photo-copying, Printing, and Scanning.
The library has two sections, Digital Library, and Resource Cell.
It is used by Staff Members for creating presentation slides for teaching, creating different question papers for a sessional exam, and searching, and collecting different information for their teaching support.